The Clockworks

The insider on what makes us tick...

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

I Like Efficiency, But This is Ridiculous!

As I was Driving down I-40 yesterday on my way back from a very enjoyable trip to Memphis's Graceland, my car lurched out of cruise control and started jerking violently. I had no idea what was happening. I slowed Esperanza down to about 70 and the she gained he composure. Then I realized the problem. About 60 miles back I thought, "I'd better get gas, I'm getting a little low." That thought completely blew my mind, I was in The Middle Of Nowhere, Arkansas and all that passed through my mind were scenes from Deliverance and other such hillbilly/murder movies. I panicked. What should I do? Luckily for me a Love's truck stop was at the next exit, 2 miles down the road. Esperanza was doing fine, but how much longer would she last? I had no idea. I devised a plan. I would pull the car over, jump on one of the bikes, and take off towards Love's. Dodge would secure the fort from any intruding hillbillies. All I could do was wait. Wait for Esperanza to finally burn the last of her precious unleaded fumes. Then came the exit over the horizon, would we make it? Would we be freed from any forced Hillbilly Lovin? We made it onto the exit, to the stop sign and panic struck. I couldn't stop. What if we ran out of gas right there? We couldn't afford to lose our momentum as well. I did it. I rolled past the stop sign, and just then the steering wheel froze in place, the obvious sign of fuel loss. We were finished. I had to man-handle Esperanza down a slight hill, right into pump number 5 at the Love's truck stop and shower depot. A miracle. Freed from the likes of Dwayne and Jethro and Clyde. No more worries of Hillbilly torture. We made it. How did I do it? Was it divine guidance that helped me to the Love's just in time? I had never accomplished such a feat. Don't get me wrong. I've run out of gas, a number of times. But only in stories have I known of running out of gas at the perfect moment, the perfect time to roll down a hill into the gas station. Now I had done it. I made it. I did something that would be immortalized in stories for generations to come. I conquered the beast. I maximized Ezperanza's distance possibilities, 402.5 miles on one tank of gas. Miraculous.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004


My first experiences with the game of football happened when I lived on Pin Oak. We would play in between each other's houses or in the street; tackling each other acting like we knew what we were doing. Once I was comfortable doing that I volunteered to play at school during recess. That was fun until Dan M's glasses shattered into his eyes from a nasty tackle. I remember sitting at the playground while careflight came. In middle school I wanted the higher status that was associated with football, so I got in. I was pretty good for a couple of years. Then high school came around and I was just one of the dummies. (It's not a good thing when your peak in a sport is when you're 13 or 14.) We would play it almost every p-day during the fall and spring on my mission. I don't believe there is a better place to play the sport than in Ohio. Despite my decreased rate of physical activity in the sport, I play NFL Blitz every day. The point is... I'm a fan of the game.

One thing I have always associated with football is this song. My brother said they used to play it in the varsity lockeroom before every game. Listen to it, and let a trailer for a high school football movie run through your head.

Jordy's Quote of the Day

"Check out my new toy....It's Chemistry man!!! I'm a chemist."

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Without Compulsory Means

Lately I've learned that one of my natural tendencies is to want to take such strong hold on situations that I feel like I have it in control. Most of the downfalls in my life have been at those moments when I'm told to let loose and I don't. Why is it that way? Why do things seems to be better when I let them run their own course and follow it like it's been laid out?

Jordan's Quote of The Day

"My neighbor had shoes like those. But he's dead."

Song of the Day

Today's song of the day was inspired by Jordan. Ask him why.
Eve 6 - Alison

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Vote For Summer

I have looked forward to the end of the past 3 summers. By the end of August in 2001, the majority of my friends had left for college which left me on my own with 2 of the most bi-polar girls ever. By October I had burned those bridges and left for my mission. At the end of the summer of 2002, I was ready to leave Gahanna. One of the hottest summers I'd ever been through was spent in that city. Strangely enough, the city's name is almost exactly like the word Gehenna. defines gehenna as: 1. A place or state of torment or suffering. 2. The abode of condemned souls; hell. I must say that when I was there, it was hot and I felt condemed. The summer of 2003 was different from the previous 2 summers. I was looking forward to going home, but that feeling did not have as much as strength as my desire to stay. This summer was well spent. I don't feel that any part of my summer was wasted. I experienced everything from Bocce Ball, to Hold em, to the Circus... thanks.

In 3 days I start back to school. Will all of this fun continue? Work extends not only into my time but the spaces of my mind I've left empty for trivial pursuit(s). I remind myself that I'm built to work 6 days out of the week... for 5 months at a time. I guess that with a schedule who's ties have been shortened from the social scene, I announce my active return to the blog.

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Boys Of Summer

As the summer comes to an end I am full of joy. I listened to a song today that felt my heartache of the summer and my stance for the coming months. Thus, the song of the day, the song of the summer, is The Ataris - Boys of Summer.

New Station Crashing the Air Waves

I just joined the trendy ranks of the nation's iPod owners. I am proud. I would say that it has so far, in the last three days, mounted as my best purchase in a very long time. I also got with the iPod an FM modulator, a device that lets me broadcast to an FM frequency that my car or home stereo can pick up. Bliss. I am very happy with this investment. I have far to go, but in this little time I have learned some tricks to full iPod utilization. Not only can I use iPod as a portable music player, but also as a super-compact, portable hard drive. No more key drives cluttering my key chain, no more clumbsy CD cases. Just iPod and me. So..if you are cruising down the road and stumble onto a commercial free, ecclectic radio station of joy, it could just be me.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

The End of My Generation

Tonight I visited with a friend who is killing off the generation of missionaries I went out with. He said a lot of pretty witty things. At one point tonight we saw a Cadillac Escalade EXT and he said, "that thing could feed an entire block of people for a month!". It's true, it could. Then one of us asked how he felt and he said, "I feel like Ariel from the Little Mermaid for 3 reasons; 1, I can't communicate verbally. 2, I live in a MANSION and 3, I feel like I have to be married within 72 hours." Poor kid.

I Don't Play No Rock 'n Roll Music!

In my search for musical bliss I came across a man named Mississippi Fred McDowell. I was reading up on Doug Martsch, the front man for Built to Spill, and found that much of the inspiration for his solo album came from Fred McDowell. I searched for anything that I could find about McDowell and found out that his first recordings, his discovery was by Alan Lomax. And in Lomax I found an entirely new genre of music for me. Gospel, Blues, and Folk, all rolled into one. It's musical genius. Lomax traveled the country, and the world, from the early 30's to his retirement in 1996 in search of Folk Music. He recorded Haitian witch doctors, Mississippi river boat captains, and indigenous people from across the globe. All in the search and preservation of the world's music. It's amazing to me what two people can do. Because of the work of Lomax and his father, John, we have hours and hours of music to enjoy, to discover. Many of these artists were never recorded before, and haven't been recorded since the Lomax recordings. What would have become of their music, would it have been passed on by word of mouth only, or would someone else have had the idea to preserve it?

Sunday, August 15, 2004

That was quick...

In one day I went from this... to this...

I wonder what I ate that made the chemicals in my brain start to produce a desire to be relaxed and an easy rider. Did Wyatt want to save his fellow man? Oskar Schindler didn't want to lead a few buddies from Los Angeles to New Orleans for Mardi Gras did he? The similarity I see is going on a journey and taking people with me. Is there any/thing/place/someone you need to leave/get to that you need a leader for? If so let me know.

Song of the Day: Ben Fold's Five - Missing the War

making mistakes

I don't know what to think about this. Maybe it's because I only did 9 questions and not 30.

Down below it is noted that a majority of my personality is aimed towards perfection. That's something I haven't thought much about myself but I definitely see how it's true. A few weeks ago I was out hitting the wiffle ball and couldn't knock the thing into left field. I was disappointed to say the least. Actually if you really want to know what happened, I threw the light yellow bat on the ground and walked into the field to let someone else hit. My team mates saw my frustration and told me to try again.

It's hard not being able to change something that you feel you have control over. I make mistakes like that every day; often multiple times within the hour. I just hope that I can find someone who can look past that and see that I'm trying to be better. It leads me to wonder how hard or easy it is for me to look past people's weaknesses. Do I compliment their strengths or do I nag at their faults? Maybe when I start to say good things to those around me I'll notice the difference.

Saturday, August 14, 2004


ENTP - "Inventor". Enthusiastic interest in everything and always sensitive to possibilities. Non-conformist and innovative. 3.2% of the total population.
Take Free Myers-Briggs Personality Test

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

My results....

Sorry guys, I just love these personality tests...
Enneagram Test Results
Type 1 Perfectionism53%
Type 2Helpfulness49%
Type 3Image Focus46%
Type 4Hypersensitivity13%
Type 5Detachment17%
Type 6Anxiety57%
Type 7Adventurousness41%
Type 8Aggressiveness38%
Type 9Calmness56%
Your Conscious-Surface type is 6w7
Your Unconscious-Overall type is 9w1
Take Free Enneagram Personality Test

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

just a photo

It's not every day you get to see your name on the back of a chemical carrying semi.


Fussball means soccer in German. Today I saw the greatest demonstration of Fusball I have ever been witness to. The fusball of which I speak is table soccer, your customary bar room game, Joey and Chandler's dinner table if you will. These guys were amazing. Jordan asked them how they got so good, and they humbly stated that it was from playing everyday. Then, with a little coaxing, they admitted that they have been playing in tournaments for 7-8 years. These tourneys go on daily in various parts of the D/FW metroplex. I want to go. I want to see the masters of Fuss. I want to learn from them. I want to be them.

Sunday, August 01, 2004

What's your deal?

On friday night this girl asked me a couple of fun questions. Here they are for you.

What is your favorite color? Think of a few words to describe this color.
If you were an animal what kind of animal would you be? Think of a few words to describe this animal.

Read the 1st comment in the comment box to get the interpretations.

Here's another fun quiz.

song of the day: elliot smith - Wouldn't momma be proud.