The Clockworks

The insider on what makes us tick...

Thursday, August 19, 2004

New Station Crashing the Air Waves

I just joined the trendy ranks of the nation's iPod owners. I am proud. I would say that it has so far, in the last three days, mounted as my best purchase in a very long time. I also got with the iPod an FM modulator, a device that lets me broadcast to an FM frequency that my car or home stereo can pick up. Bliss. I am very happy with this investment. I have far to go, but in this little time I have learned some tricks to full iPod utilization. Not only can I use iPod as a portable music player, but also as a super-compact, portable hard drive. No more key drives cluttering my key chain, no more clumbsy CD cases. Just iPod and me. So..if you are cruising down the road and stumble onto a commercial free, ecclectic radio station of joy, it could just be me.


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