The Clockworks

The insider on what makes us tick...

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

I Like Efficiency, But This is Ridiculous!

As I was Driving down I-40 yesterday on my way back from a very enjoyable trip to Memphis's Graceland, my car lurched out of cruise control and started jerking violently. I had no idea what was happening. I slowed Esperanza down to about 70 and the she gained he composure. Then I realized the problem. About 60 miles back I thought, "I'd better get gas, I'm getting a little low." That thought completely blew my mind, I was in The Middle Of Nowhere, Arkansas and all that passed through my mind were scenes from Deliverance and other such hillbilly/murder movies. I panicked. What should I do? Luckily for me a Love's truck stop was at the next exit, 2 miles down the road. Esperanza was doing fine, but how much longer would she last? I had no idea. I devised a plan. I would pull the car over, jump on one of the bikes, and take off towards Love's. Dodge would secure the fort from any intruding hillbillies. All I could do was wait. Wait for Esperanza to finally burn the last of her precious unleaded fumes. Then came the exit over the horizon, would we make it? Would we be freed from any forced Hillbilly Lovin? We made it onto the exit, to the stop sign and panic struck. I couldn't stop. What if we ran out of gas right there? We couldn't afford to lose our momentum as well. I did it. I rolled past the stop sign, and just then the steering wheel froze in place, the obvious sign of fuel loss. We were finished. I had to man-handle Esperanza down a slight hill, right into pump number 5 at the Love's truck stop and shower depot. A miracle. Freed from the likes of Dwayne and Jethro and Clyde. No more worries of Hillbilly torture. We made it. How did I do it? Was it divine guidance that helped me to the Love's just in time? I had never accomplished such a feat. Don't get me wrong. I've run out of gas, a number of times. But only in stories have I known of running out of gas at the perfect moment, the perfect time to roll down a hill into the gas station. Now I had done it. I made it. I did something that would be immortalized in stories for generations to come. I conquered the beast. I maximized Ezperanza's distance possibilities, 402.5 miles on one tank of gas. Miraculous.


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