The Clockworks

The insider on what makes us tick...

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Vote For Summer

I have looked forward to the end of the past 3 summers. By the end of August in 2001, the majority of my friends had left for college which left me on my own with 2 of the most bi-polar girls ever. By October I had burned those bridges and left for my mission. At the end of the summer of 2002, I was ready to leave Gahanna. One of the hottest summers I'd ever been through was spent in that city. Strangely enough, the city's name is almost exactly like the word Gehenna. defines gehenna as: 1. A place or state of torment or suffering. 2. The abode of condemned souls; hell. I must say that when I was there, it was hot and I felt condemed. The summer of 2003 was different from the previous 2 summers. I was looking forward to going home, but that feeling did not have as much as strength as my desire to stay. This summer was well spent. I don't feel that any part of my summer was wasted. I experienced everything from Bocce Ball, to Hold em, to the Circus... thanks.

In 3 days I start back to school. Will all of this fun continue? Work extends not only into my time but the spaces of my mind I've left empty for trivial pursuit(s). I remind myself that I'm built to work 6 days out of the week... for 5 months at a time. I guess that with a schedule who's ties have been shortened from the social scene, I announce my active return to the blog.


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