The Clockworks

The insider on what makes us tick...

Wednesday, June 30, 2004


short fast song for wednesday: Weezer - You Gave Your Love To Me Softly (remix)(El Scorcho Single 1997)

Maybe I'm the only one but first impressions last a long time. When I meet someone that I don't know very well my automatic reaction is it be quiet and observant. The weakness and often collapse of building relationships lies in the period when you start to feel comfortable around person you're new to. If you don't start to feel comfortable the end comes way too soon.

One of the most amazing salesman I've ever met was this man to the left. Upon our approach the first words that came out of his mouth were something to the effect of, "Come check out this motherF*^$&#!!!!". From then on we heard the amazing fun of putting water proof firecrackers down the toilet and watching the top of latrines fly off, blowing the f^$# out of the sky. As we left he told us the best form of advertisement was word of mouth. So, ladies and gentlemen... go to Ron's fireworks and meet Ron's brother-in-law, Ron. (at least I think that's what he said his name was)

Jury's Out

So I was assigned jury duty for Tuesday of this week. I was excited to see what this whole thing was about. I've never had jury duty before. No one I know has really experienced that side of a courtroom. The summons said I was a standby juror. I needed to call the morning of the 29th to see if they wanted me down there. Well, I had built up in my head all the worst case scenarios of my day in court so I was really looking forward to it. What if I got picked for this big important case and I was part of the decision to send them to jail and then I had to join the witness protection program? You know, those sorts of scenarios. I was also looking forward to a short day of work. So, I called yesterday morning and heard the dreaded recording. "All standby jurors do not, I repeat do not have to come to court today. You are relieved of your duties." (I'm paraphrasing a little.) Alas, I didn't get to fulfill my jury duty and I am a little disappointed.

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

It's really hard making plans for life.

I've been pondering here and there about my future, and it's really hard making plans for life. A man once told me that when he finished college he went back and got another degree. On his second round he had a 20 year plan tha the followed through with. It all allowed him to retire at 55. When I met him he was 62 and in good health.

Short fast song for Tuesday: The Promise Ring - Between Pacific Coasts (30° Everywhere, 1996)

Monday, June 28, 2004


Marc's new gmail account is i would have used my name, but being that there is no one else on earth with my name, i figure that i can make that address later on. Cheers.

misheard lyrics.

One of the coolest things I ever saw had to do with this.

Short fast song for monday: Clinic - C.Q

Friday, June 25, 2004

Somewhere in space, this may all be happening right now.

Go here. I think everyone's done this examination before. Some questions are missing but it's still fun. Report any answers you want to share in the comments box.

NEXT WEEK: Short fast songs.

Epic Song of Friday: Weezer - Only In Dreams (Weezer, 1994)
Epic Song of Thursday: Elton John - Goodbye Yellow Brick Road (Goodbye Yellow Brick Road , original remaster, 1996)
Epic Song of Wednesday: Led Zepplin - Kashmir (Physical Graffiti, 1975)
Epic Song of Tuesday: Gun's N Roses - November Rain (Use Your Illusion 1, 1991)
Epic Song of Monday: Unkle - Lonely Soul (Psyence Fiction, 1998)

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

In music news yesterday... LOLLAPALOOZA HAS BEEN CANCELLED!I wasn't planning on going anyway.

Epic Song of Wednesday: Led Zepplin - Kashmir (Physical Graffiti, 1975)
Epic Song of Tuesday: Gun's N Roses - November Rain (Use Your Illusion 1, 1991)
Epic Song of Monday: Unkle - Lonely Soul (Psyence Fiction, 1998)

Monday, June 21, 2004

you don't think I'm serious?

There's a good article about Napolean Dynamite by Kurt Loder from MTV here.

Epic Song of Tuesday: Gun's N Roses - November Rain (Use Your Illusion 1, 1991)
Epic Song of Monday: Unkle - Lonely Soul (Psyence Fiction, 1998)

Epic week...

This week is epic week.

Epic song of the day: Unkle - Lonely Soul (sorry, it's a little gloomy at first)

Sunday, June 20, 2004

It's better than a goofy hat and neon glasses.

Some of the things I write to get scholarships...

Tell us about the best gift you have ever given someone or that someone else gave to you. What was the gift? Why was it special? (Don't write about things like love, mercy, salvation, time, etc. We want to read about tangible gifts that someone can hold or touch.) [80-120 words]

For my 22nd birthday I didn't ask for much. All I wanted was the Rubik's Cube Revenge. I wanted it because I was ready to move up from the Rubik's Cube. It only has 3 layers and the Rubik's Revenge has 4. I didn't think I would get it because my family is known for giving really weird or bad gifts. I guess the Rubik's Revenge is still weird or bad, but at least I wanted it. It was quite a surprise when I opened the box with it.

What is the most romantic thing that you have ever done or that someone else has done for you? [80-120 words]

One day a friend found out his sister was bringing home one of her roommates from college. To make a long story short, she wanted to go out with him. So to relieve the pressure of a blind date I told him I'd bring someone. For the invitation we wrote up a letter that had the tone of a business contract more than it did an invitation for a date. Besides, we were going to Ripley's Believe It or Not. I handed it to the girl the next day and appreciated the big smile and laugh when she read it.

(the following statement was not sent in with the application.)that's really not romantic is it? Don't judge me too harshly.)

Thursday, June 10, 2004


The challenges of the national spelling bee involve brain overload.

jordy's favorite band of the day, denton's own midlake.

Ahhhh... un-employment

I talked to my boss today about my future un-employment. I am putting in my two week notice. Freedom. No more stuck-up, "you can't make me happy" type people. I need a real job. I need real hours. I need real money.

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

If ya wanna lott..................

Hi I am Alauna. (juliana's cousin) I am very popular, as you can see. I, popularto poopsie, otherwise known as Alauna, am so popular that I won secretary at Towne Meadows Elementary. I have to admit that some of my popularity comes from my creativity skills. My dad gave me this idea and it worked. "If you want a Lott...Vote Alauna Lott." And then in my speech I was pretending to talk to president Bush. He wanted me to be the Secretary of State. But, I said no because I would rather be secretary of Towne Meadows Elem. I made three posters. The first one said "Don't Blow It." Vote Alauna Lott for Secretary. On that one it had a picture of me blowing a bubble. The bubble was really a pink balloon. The next one said "If you want a Lott, Vote Alauna Lott." There was a picture of a dollar bill with me in the middle. And the third one had a picture of me holding a bowl. And there were 3D candy riesens in the bowl. That one said "There are Lotts of reasons to vote Alauna Lott for Secretary. And that's all.

Thursday, June 03, 2004


There's an interesting article here about Bill Cosby and some comments he made on the 50th anniversary of the Brown Vs. Board of Education ruling. It's worth the read.

Wednesday, June 02, 2004


Here is the concluding correspondance between myself and Dalworth Carpet Cleaning.

I sent this in a month or so ago and never heard anything from you. Please

Jordan Sheen
Good afternoon, Mr. Sheen.

We are not aware of any story like this occurring within our community.
Even if the story were true, we would not share information about the
personal lives of our employees, unless this information was pertinent to
work we perform.

Thank you.

Client Service Department

You can read the original post here