The Clockworks

The insider on what makes us tick...

Monday, May 03, 2004

With my Rubik's Cube in hand...

Tonight I reflected on the past few months of the beginning of my college education. It all began with someone conning me into taking a class called human development. At first I believed this was a sexual education class and that it was required. Lo and behold, it was about learning how to study and act smart. Luckily I have 2 years of practice of that show under my belt. When I started the class I was pretty quiet. I didn't say much and only voiced my opinion when I felt it would add something positive to the discussion. (Maria, our 52 year old classmate, would talk not stop when she got the chance thus I avoided stretching my comments into 5 minute stories.) Along with this show of being a quiet genius I brought in books to read that made me look smart. Among them were Great Expectations and How to Think Like Leonardo DaVinci. They really got a kick when I brought in the rubik's cube. Finally it came time to end my class.

I've been sore all day, so my walk to class tonight to take the final was a long one. I paced myself nice and slow and walked past the pool all the while enjoying the old women do their arm flapping water dilly exercises. When I reached my class I sat down and started going over the material for the exam. About 2 minutes into my cramming, 3 of the 7 girls in my class walk in. Apparently they saw me walking and figured I had all the answers to the review that they did not. For some reason they think that when I am reading my book everything stays in my head. Crap, I probably read the chapters twice and take notes in the process. It was somewhat of a minor shock when I told them I didn't have all the answers.

Thus was the end of my glory.

(I bet you can't guess what part of that was fabricated. Sorry, I like Stephen Glass)


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