The Clockworks

The insider on what makes us tick...

Monday, May 03, 2004

Early Morning Syndrome

The alarm goes off the same time everyday. I do the same thing everyday. I hit the snooze 2 1/2 times. I look at the clock. Even though it's 10 minutes ahead, I still freak out. I stumble out of bed, hitting many walls along the way, and manage to start the shower. I can't imagine being alert and alive at this point in the day. I wash my hair, I get out, I blow dry, and I get ready for the day. As I am packing my lunch for the day, I always say to myself, The minute I get home, I am falling into bed and sleeping until the next day. I can't imagine NOT taking a nap. How WILL I function w/o one?

Afternoon comes and I start to get energy. I can't imagine taking a nap in my prime. I am ready to go. Where's the next event? How fast can I get there? What's the latest I can go to bed w/o being completely wiped out? 11:00 I say, Nah, let's go for 11:30. By the time I fall asleep it's 12:00. Why must this cycle continue? I don't ever feel that I am completely sleep deprived, I could use an hour more of sleep a night. Will there ever be an end to the madness? Probably not.


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