The Clockworks

The insider on what makes us tick...

Wednesday, April 28, 2004


I would like to paint a realistic picture of Bad Kitty, but words will not do her justice. Bad Kitty is a 36 year old woman who is so crazy that I don't know how she gets up in the morning and ties her shoes. She is sick right now with sores in her mouth. She likes to tell us all about the sores in mouth. Supposedly she is dating a guy named Michael, who has a pony tail and teaches Tae Kwon do. We really aren't sure if she is for real, except when he calls she answers in an almost forced sultry, "Hey you". This causes fits of giggles from others in the room. The other day, her conversation starter of, " Last night when we were lying in bed... holding each other ..." made me so queasy, I had to cut her off before she went too far. She has gone too far before and I wanted to avoid any chance that she would do it again. She has a large fairy tatoo covering her entire stomach, which frankly is too large to be shown to anyone, especially anyone at work. If anyone would still like to meet her, just go to Nordstrom and look for a tall red head wandering around talking to herself. Hey, at least she is entertaining.


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