The Clockworks

The insider on what makes us tick...

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Corner Bakery vs. Cocoa Motion

This morning the visual team at Nordstrom, Dallas Galleria decided to take a lunch break at the nearby Corner Bakery. Okay, it was 10:30 in the morning so technically it could be considered breakfast, but our mornings consist of hard, strenuous, manual labor so we are starving by the time the store opens at 9:50.
Actually, it takes some self control to make it to 9:50. Anyway, I had a hankering for some scrambled eggs and my co-workers endulged me. It was a cold morning at Nordstrom so we had talked about hot drinks, them-coffee, me- hot cocoa. I ordered the sunrise scrambler w/o mushrooms, I hate mushrooms, and a medium hot cocoa filling with delight as my every dream that morning was about to come true. My plate came and much to my astonishment and mild anger there sat upon that shining white ceramic dish like 3 bites of egg! Yes I said it, 3, three, tres, twa, seh. No matter how you say it, I still had only 3 bites. That was totally insufficient for my noisy stomach. The hot cocoa was so full of nasty, frothy milk, or something, that I could only taste anything remotely cocoaish for like the very last 3 sips, gulps if you will. I kept drinking in hopes that I would be satisfied. I wasn't. Corner Bakery, even though they offer me a 10% discount for working at the mall, just didn't do it for me today. I'm going to have to say I was disappointed. Lesson learned? Yes. It will always be the cocoamotion for me.


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