The Clockworks

The insider on what makes us tick...

Monday, May 10, 2004

A Few Random Thoughts...

In the past few months I've tried to stay in contact with a man namd Chip Kohrman. He is by far one of the coolest people I've met. Yesterday I went through my keepsakes of the mission and pulled this out. It was a piece he had on his fridge that I asked for.

A year ago at this time Hagge and I tracted into a guy while he was working on his car. His name was Roger or "Wrong Way". (Wrong Way was his handle on the CB) We met with him 3 or 4 times a month while I was in that area. He was quite funny to me because he always managed to interupt our discussions and talk about conspiracies within the government. I've managed to find the truth to everything he said!

click here, and here.

PS: Song of the day... Sigur Rós - Staralfur


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