The Clockworks

The insider on what makes us tick...

Wednesday, July 28, 2004


Another societal trend that is coming to an end...The dumb woman. How many of us knew the ditzy cheerleader who got all of the guys in High School? All of the guys except for me. I couldn't stand the lack of knowledge and common sense. Now, why was she so dumb? I say that it is because that is what was viewed as attractive and acceptable. As long as a girl was attractive, she didn't have to be smart, or really even have a brain at all. We could argue the reasons for this to no end. Whether it be that the men were intimidated by smart girls, or that smart girls were too smart to care about their appearance, I don't know. Whatever the reason, it was attractive for a woman to be dumb. They didn't have to be smart to be successful. They didn't have to be smart to get a good husband. All they had to be was beautiful and play the part of the trophy wife and all was well. Why would someone willingly do that? Disrespect themselves so much as to reject their God-given potential and be purposefully un-intelligent. It's the 'Born Yesterday' syndrome; Melanie Griffith's character is the beautiful, yet dumb, girlfriend. She grows tired of being below everyone else and hires a tutor, Don Johnson. Now, John Goodman no longer sees Griffith as attractive, but as a threat, an intimidation. Johnson is more and more attracted to Griffith, not by her looks, but by her smarts. That brings up another question; beauty. What is Beauty? Some would argue that it is all external. Yet others would argue that it has nothing to do with looks, but with personality and knowledge, and spirit. Can it be both? Can beauty be just as much internal as it is external. Can someone be just as beautiful to look at as they are to be with? Why not? Why not look for that perfect person, whether it be a man or woman? Find your beauty. Someone that is physically attractive, yet raises their mental bar to be more than they need to be. To be more than anyone expects them to be. To be who they should be. I am glad that this trend has died off. I can't stand hearing ditzy people talk, much less try to talk with them. However, there will always be those people that are attracted solely by the physical and not by the mental. Those people who are intimidated by someone that can hold an intelligent conversation for extended periods. Someone who, heaven forbid, can be more that they are. Who can beat them at trivial pursuit. Who doesn't make grammatical mistakes all through their blog entry. What happens when the trivial ends? What happens when you have no more events or people to talk about? What happens when the small talk ceases?


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