The Clockworks

The insider on what makes us tick...

Friday, July 23, 2004


I have often wondered of late what makes people act and be how they are. I can't help but notice that the great majority of people don't do things of themselves, but do them because of other people. I have noticed many many people dressed, acting, and talking a certain way for acceptance by society, or by a group within society. Why? What is wrong with being me? Why can't I dress how I want, talk how I want, and act how I want just because I want too? Why are there always people judging. I have found myself on both sides of the line. Judging and being judged. In fact, I tried it out last week. I wore a mustache for a couple of days to see what people's reaction would be. Mustaches are definitely not accepted by society at large, not since the 80's at least. My family has many photos of Big Mike in a 'stache. Not so now, I was looked on in fashion scorn for my facial decor. Now, why can't I wear the mustache if I want too? Why can't I wear white after labor day? Why not stripes on stripes? Why not wear a belt and suspenders? I like suspenders. My point is, I'm tired of seeing these goofy suckers dressed how they are to fit within societal norms. I know they don't like it that much. They have to think when they see those pants, 'man, I bet Lucille will love these pants,' or 'man, my mom is going to hate these things.' or 'I bet I get noticed if I wear these.' So, in my ever-hypocritical ways, I know that there is no way someone could really like some of these clothes, or hair styles, or whatever the case may be. It's all for shock value, for attention, for societal acceptance. I say no. I say do what you please, but don't expect me to do the same. I'm through with name brands. I'm through with having more logo than shirt. What's wrong with solid colors all the time, even clashing colors if that's what gets you going. Do what you want. Be who you are.


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