The Clockworks

The insider on what makes us tick...

Thursday, May 20, 2004

It happened to me.

Tomorrow is my birthday. I managed to find out that this lovely man to the left has the same birthday as myself, just 30 years earlier. I also found out I have the same birthday as The Notorious B.I.G. Now I don't have to say my birthday is around Morrissey's birthday, but that I share it with Mr. T, and Notorious B.I.G (No rhyme intended). To find out what actor or actress shares your birthday go here.

A couple days ago at work I saw a man in the cafeteria wearing Jnco's with what looked like suede granny boots. He also seemed to be wearing some sort of facial make up. I tried to get the camera on my phone out and take a picture, but I would have gotten caught. Then what would everyone in there have thought? "That kid must be really sick to be taking a picture of the guy in the pant-dress."


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