The Clockworks

The insider on what makes us tick...

Wednesday, July 28, 2004


Another societal trend that is coming to an end...The dumb woman. How many of us knew the ditzy cheerleader who got all of the guys in High School? All of the guys except for me. I couldn't stand the lack of knowledge and common sense. Now, why was she so dumb? I say that it is because that is what was viewed as attractive and acceptable. As long as a girl was attractive, she didn't have to be smart, or really even have a brain at all. We could argue the reasons for this to no end. Whether it be that the men were intimidated by smart girls, or that smart girls were too smart to care about their appearance, I don't know. Whatever the reason, it was attractive for a woman to be dumb. They didn't have to be smart to be successful. They didn't have to be smart to get a good husband. All they had to be was beautiful and play the part of the trophy wife and all was well. Why would someone willingly do that? Disrespect themselves so much as to reject their God-given potential and be purposefully un-intelligent. It's the 'Born Yesterday' syndrome; Melanie Griffith's character is the beautiful, yet dumb, girlfriend. She grows tired of being below everyone else and hires a tutor, Don Johnson. Now, John Goodman no longer sees Griffith as attractive, but as a threat, an intimidation. Johnson is more and more attracted to Griffith, not by her looks, but by her smarts. That brings up another question; beauty. What is Beauty? Some would argue that it is all external. Yet others would argue that it has nothing to do with looks, but with personality and knowledge, and spirit. Can it be both? Can beauty be just as much internal as it is external. Can someone be just as beautiful to look at as they are to be with? Why not? Why not look for that perfect person, whether it be a man or woman? Find your beauty. Someone that is physically attractive, yet raises their mental bar to be more than they need to be. To be more than anyone expects them to be. To be who they should be. I am glad that this trend has died off. I can't stand hearing ditzy people talk, much less try to talk with them. However, there will always be those people that are attracted solely by the physical and not by the mental. Those people who are intimidated by someone that can hold an intelligent conversation for extended periods. Someone who, heaven forbid, can be more that they are. Who can beat them at trivial pursuit. Who doesn't make grammatical mistakes all through their blog entry. What happens when the trivial ends? What happens when you have no more events or people to talk about? What happens when the small talk ceases?

Take her gravely, she means it.

In 1848 300 people in Seneca Falls, NY signed the Declaration of Sentiments (a plea to end the discrimination of women).  Through their efforts they began the Women's Right's Movement.  By the turn of the 20th century every state in the country had passed laws that were modeled after New York's Married Women's Property Act.  In 1920 the 19th amendment was ratified which declared, "The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex".  The reform that has come since that declaration has been monumental, yet there is still a feeling of belittlement among women.  I bring forward the case of Ms. Annie Duke...  why does this woman think it's such a big deal that she can beat guys at poker?  Is that really the case?  I guess it shows that whenever there is competition there is a division of classes.

Oh yea, she's got 4 kids, a book deal, and a tv sitcom in the works.  Check her out at

Friday, July 23, 2004


I have often wondered of late what makes people act and be how they are. I can't help but notice that the great majority of people don't do things of themselves, but do them because of other people. I have noticed many many people dressed, acting, and talking a certain way for acceptance by society, or by a group within society. Why? What is wrong with being me? Why can't I dress how I want, talk how I want, and act how I want just because I want too? Why are there always people judging. I have found myself on both sides of the line. Judging and being judged. In fact, I tried it out last week. I wore a mustache for a couple of days to see what people's reaction would be. Mustaches are definitely not accepted by society at large, not since the 80's at least. My family has many photos of Big Mike in a 'stache. Not so now, I was looked on in fashion scorn for my facial decor. Now, why can't I wear the mustache if I want too? Why can't I wear white after labor day? Why not stripes on stripes? Why not wear a belt and suspenders? I like suspenders. My point is, I'm tired of seeing these goofy suckers dressed how they are to fit within societal norms. I know they don't like it that much. They have to think when they see those pants, 'man, I bet Lucille will love these pants,' or 'man, my mom is going to hate these things.' or 'I bet I get noticed if I wear these.' So, in my ever-hypocritical ways, I know that there is no way someone could really like some of these clothes, or hair styles, or whatever the case may be. It's all for shock value, for attention, for societal acceptance. I say no. I say do what you please, but don't expect me to do the same. I'm through with name brands. I'm through with having more logo than shirt. What's wrong with solid colors all the time, even clashing colors if that's what gets you going. Do what you want. Be who you are.

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

looking forward

If I can get some of you to come to this show then I'm more likely to go. According to the club's website the doors open at 8pm not 9, and there are only 2 bands not 3.

Here's a poll for you... THE DAY THE BLOG DIED.

Monday, July 19, 2004

bonnie lass.

I thought that those of you interested in the iPod would appreciate this article.  Your wait to get one may have just been extended.  If you want to try and get a free iPod, go here.
My buddy is going to be doing an in-store performance at Virgin Records on the 30th.  He said I should go see him on my way to "the village".  If you want to check out some of his stuff you can go here

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

To help prevent writer's block...

This weeks TST2004 report has been posted here. This week we hit up areas around love field. Next week we made head up to denton or to the lower greenville area.
You need to listen to this song.  I apologize if the lyrics in some of the music I post doesn't mean anything, I don't pay a lot of attention to lyrics.

Saturday, July 10, 2004

SALVATION ARMY (josey and valley view)
This Salvation Army is a pretty good find. Not a gem and not a hidden treasure, but better than most places. I couldn't believe in all my pre-mission thrifting I missed this one. It gets some good points for the leisure suits and good selection of tv's. It had it's token copy of Tom Clancy's Hunt for Red October in the book section. Worth checking out. Located at: 12895 Josey Ln, Farmers Branch, TX 972-484-5005

FAMILY PLACE THRIFT SHOP (webb chapel ext and lombardy ln) This place sucks. Here's a picture of the men's department. Located at: 3464 Webb Chapel Ext, Dallas, TX 214-358-0381.

Song of the Day: Badly Drawn Boy - Year of the Rat (One Plust One is One, 2004)

Thursday, July 08, 2004

How we think.

With the lack of appearances from Blogmaster D, some may wonder where has the merrymaker gone? Well, the merrymaker is working his butt off and here's an idea why. When a man meets a woman that makes him complete, he wants to do everything to see that the relationship grows. My natural tendency in that situation is to work harder for my temporal means, because frankly... I don't know enough about emotions. I understand physical means. If work will bring that, then work I must... until I am so exhausted my body won't function without the help of God.

Friday, July 02, 2004

Thrift Store Report #1 (expect this to be refined):Metrocrest Thrift and Goodwill Industries

Marc and I's quest for a knowledge of every thrift store in the DFW Metroplex began today.

METROCREST (josey and beltline)
A decent selection for how small the place was. If they got anymore junk the place would be packt. We scored some 75c hats and I got a penguin shirt. The price was ok. Worth checking out on your way to some place better. Located at: 1103 S Josey Ln, Carrollton, TX 972-418-1900

Plenty of clothes and women's handbags, lots of books. They even had expired food they were selling, AWESOME!!!! The price was pretty high. If you're looking for suits or clothes to trash this is the place to go. The price is probably the highest you'll see at any thrift store. Been to this one a lot so I don't think highly of it. Located at: 2116 E Belt Line Rd, Carrollton, TX 972-416-6051

Marc and a pig in the city!
The Butcher and a pig, IN THE CITY!!!