The Clockworks

The insider on what makes us tick...

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

You'll Be Sorry

So it's 9:15. Time for the show to begin. We line up in the hall. We are standing next to our assigned person. We are ready to begin. We march in when the music starts. We sit in our assigned places. Some of us go backstage. Some of us even go behind those curtains. But most of us sit on the stage steps. Cats and dogs start flying. We catch some. We meow, we bark. We keep smiling at the audience and keep on singing. We are (almost) flawless on our lines. We sing our hearts out. Someone whispers to us, Look at the audience, don't look at me. We jump rope, we dance, we even sway. During the very last song we realize it's almost over. It's all worth it because this is OUR 2nd grade play.

This is what my day was like....twice. Tomorrow is dress rehearsal. Ahh, the chaos. The big day arrives on Thursday, again, twice.


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